Increase Self Love
Positive Affirmations

Self Love Affirmations

Print out the affirmations and read them aloud or silently to yourself while listening to the music. Then get into a comfortable position in your bed and drift off into a deep and wonderous sleep knowing all the positive messages are filtering into your energy field changing your vibration. Loving yourself allows the greatest expression of your inner being to be released.

I love Myself

I am a good person 

I am a magnificent being

I am an energetic spiritual being in a human body

I love who I am 

I am worth loving

I was born worthy of love

I am a divine expression of the infinite

The infinite is love

And this is also what I am 

I am love

I am wonderful just the way I am

I am a remarkable human being

I am smart enough

I am good enough

I am strong enough

I am enough

I am worthy of happiness, Joy and love

I love myself

I appreciate myself

I am unique

I am perfectly different

I am a treasure, a gift

I am here to be given

My energy benefits the world just by being me

I am one of a kind

I am also one with everything and everyone

I am a part of everything

My energy mixes with the energy around me

It is a valuable and dynamic contribution

Just being me is meaningful

I am significant

I am important

I have meaning and purpose for being here

Loving myself allows the greatest expression of who I am to be released

Caring about myself and filling myself up with love means I can give more to the world

I can fill myself up with love and let it overflow to others

Loving myself means I am stable and secure within myself

I have a gentle loving heart

I have a deep sense of compassion for others

I am strong when I need to be

I am soft when I need to be

I love who I am

I appreciate who I am

I have everything I need within me

There is no need to search, for I have found myself

She or he is wonderful, dynamic and profound

I am brilliant and bodacious

I am courageous and kind 

I am strong and sublime

I am intuitive and sensitive

I am glorious and gorgeous

I am heavenly and heaven sent

I have flow within me

I have energy within me

I have love within me

I have compassion within me

I have strength within me

I have happiness within me

I have peace within me

I have intelligence within me

I have health within me

I have well being within me

I have worthiness within me

I deserve an extraordinary life filled with joy, fun and ease

I deserve to be treated with love and respect

I am loving and respectful

I am joyful

Joy lives within me

I am fun

Laughter lives within me

I am love

Love lives within me

I respect myself

I treat myself with love and kindness

I can look after myself

I can give myself what I need

I forgive myself for all of my preconceived ideas of lack and limitation

I forgive myself for all the past times where I haven’t fully loved myself

I don’t have to be perfect to be loveable

I am enormously loving towards myself

I am worthy of loving

Making a mistake is not a valid reason to hold myself away from love

I deserve to give myself the gift of total acceptance

I am attractive

I am a sparkling gem

I am a valuable gift

I am shining light

I am a treasure to behold

I am a part of the source of all that is

I have loving thoughts towards myself

I have loving thoughts towards others

I accept myself

I love and appreciate my body

I love and appreciate my skin

I love and appreciate my internal organs

I love and appreciate my muscles

I love and appreciate my bones

I love and appreciate my eyes, nose and mouth

I love and appreciate my arms and legs

I love and appreciate every single cell in my body

I love and appreciate my mind and my brain

I love and appreciate my intelligence

I love and appreciate my creativity

I love and appreciate my communication

I love and appreciate my focus

I love and appreciate my attention

I love and appreciate my receiving mode

I love and appreciate my feelings of flow

I love and appreciate my feelings of open receiving

I love and appreciate my feelings of fluidness

I love and appreciate my feelings of acceptance

I love and appreciate kindness when I give it to others

I love and appreciate my blossoming consciousness

I love and appreciate my abilities

I love and appreciate my understanding

I love and appreciate all moments of deep truth within myself

I love and appreciate all moments of inner peace and calm within me

I love and appreciate all of who I am 

I am here and therefore I am worthy of the best that life has to offer

I am worthy of so much goodness in my life

I am worthy of fun

I am worthy of love

I am worthy of joy

I am worthy of feelings of passion and purpose

I am worthy of feeling whole and complete

I am worthy of feeling solid within myself

I am worthy of feeling safe and secure

I am worthy of harmonious relationships

I am worthy of fulfilling work

I am worthy of great health and enormous energy

I am worthy of growth and development

I am a valuable person

I feel good

It is safe for me to feel good

It is safe for me to feel happy

It is safe for me to feel loveable

It is safe for me to feel comfortable in my own skin

It is safe for me to be present and live in the moment

It is safe for me to be financially abundant

I love myself

I trust myself

I trust my feelings

I trust my intuition

I trust my insight

I trust myself and I follow my truth

It is ok if others do not understand me

The most important thing is that I understand and love myself

I can give that to myself

I can give myself love and understanding

I matter

My thoughts matter

It matters that I keep my thoughts in alignment with the way my higher self feels

That is inner harmony and peace

When I think and feel in alignment with the way source loves and accepts me

I feel good

I feel happy

I feel easy

I feel flowing

I feel loving

I feel peaceful

I feel capable

I feel strong

I feel able

I feel unlimited

My higher self loves everything about my human body

My higher self loves my work

My higher self, my source self, loves me unconditionally

I am loved unconditionally

I can accept myself unconditionally

Source of all that is loves and supports me

I am in tune with the highest source of love and compassion

I look upon everything in my life with love an compassion, especially myself

I give myself all of the love and attention I have previously attempted toga from others

I am accepting myself fully now

My higher self says there are no mistakes

I am loving and learning and growing

I am accepting myself fully now

I love and accept myself completely

Every part of myself is worth loving

Every failure or mistake is an opportunity for me to learn and grow

It is not a reflection of my value or worthiness

I am loveable

I lam loved

I love and appreciate myself

I appreciate the wonderful person I am

I am so happy with my wonderful life

Hundreds of guided meditations, sleep reprogramming, inspirational speeches and music tracks are available to stream or download to any music platform worldwide.