Free Book Giveaway!
We would like to take the time to say thank you for your support by offering you the chance to go into the draw to win one of 10 copies of the book “Return to the Absolute”, by an author we highly recommend, Calvin McCoard.
To enter the competition, all you need to do is just enter your email address below and hit send.
The competition will run from the 20th of June until the 30th of June and the winners will be drawn on the 1st of July and notified via email.
Enter your email address below to go in the
draw to win a copy of this amazing book.
Return to the Absolute takes you on a compelling illustrated journey that explores the laws of physics, spirituality and life experience from a completely unique perspective.
Through the pages, well-respected physicist and entrepreneur, Calvin McCoard provides a deeper understanding of life and spirituality by sharing unprecedented, evidence-based insight into how a reality governed by natural flow will ultimately return all beings to balance and the absolute.
Focussing on the personal and collective realities of the reader, Calvin McCoard’s fascinating awareness helps bring to light the necessity of universal consciousness in reconciling the laws of physics.
In Return to the Absolute you will discover:
- How the Law of Attraction relates to the laws of Physics.
- The common thread linking ancient mystical teachings, physics, and life experience.
- How belief ties in with the laws of Physics.
- How to apply these understandings to our lives to experience greater happiness, clarity and direction
- Gain an understanding of the natural flow of the universe and how to work with it in our lives as opposed to against it
This book has the power to change the way you approach life energetically, spiritually, and consciously while highlighting the power of human relationships within all environments.
“A thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking read. And Calvin graces the book with his beautiful, personal artwork.” Mark Jabay, 2022
Do you sometimes struggle to know what direction to take in your life and how to connect to your purpose?
Find surprising answers and discover a new reality!
Calvin McCoard
Calvin McCoard is devoted to understanding how physics relates to consciousness and how this profound impact can be applied to every area of life As an established and well-respected physicist and entrepreneur, Calvin studied at Glasgow University and has 25 years of experience in photonics and lasers. McCoard’s logical and pragmatic approach to spirituality and universal consciousness firmly position him as a leader in the field. Calvin is a passionate artist and uses visual representation to communicate ideas to aid in the development of consciousness. The illustrations used throughout Return to the Absolute are based on Calvin’s original oil paintings to provide a uniquely creative combination of art, literary writing and scientific and spiritual analysis.